From here you can find information in regards the Intellectual Property Rights (Ip rights) of the RoundBuy© service for your convenience. In addition all the other documents of the online service has some additional details to consult.
Rules on IP rights:
• Intellectual Property Rights (IP rights)
• Terms of Use
• License
Intellectual Property Definition and Use
Intellectual property (IP) covers all original ideas, designs, discoveries, inventions, and creative work produced by an individual or a group. These rights are used to safeguard the RoundBuy© creations belonging to the company RoundBuy Ltd and works against infringers, copycats, and thieves (from now on “RB Company”).
Intellectual property is a creation by a creator, such as an invention made by an inventor, and thus product of the mind of the one who made it. This original idea (invention, creation or similar) grants the creator an exclusive right over the use of her/his creation for a certain period of time. The RoundBuyTM, RoundBuy ® and RoundBuy© application, sites and pages and similar, with their contents, are such IP with exclusive rights belonging to the RB Company.
Design IP Definition
Design IP are the exclusive rights that one has over one’s original design, such as its appearance shape or configuration, or pattern or similar. This Design IP covers both the functional but also the aesthetic aspects of RoundBuy© designs. These include how it works, and how it looks, but also how it feels.
RoundBuy© Designs
The main designs are: applications, sites and web pages, the online platform and its function and functionalities, the special names of various tools or functions. In addition, the main function of the site is the special way the search engine has been designed to find what the customer needs around the user. This is an invention, on which the online platform, and the whole business idea in founded.
Restrictions for Third Parties, Developers and Other Agents Accept the Following Clauses
All company application or web pages, functionalities, functions have been designed by the RB Company and its owner, who is the single owner of the IP of the RB Company. All web developers, and similar have given up all their rights to the application, the site or any part they have been developing with the designs, guide notes, commands, demands or principles of the RB Company owner. Therefore, no party has any claims to the IP rights of the RB Company. All entities have accepted that all IP rights, discovered or made during the projects or similar they have been hired or assigned by the RB Company, belong to the RB Company exclusively without exceptions. By participating to the creation, making or manufacturing the designs to the RB Company, all entities acknowledge the exclusive rights of the Company to the IP rights. Therefore, all other entities do not have any IP rights, due to participating to the projects of the RB Company by creating, making, designing or similar.
The ways RB Company Protects it’s IP
The main ways RB Company protects it’s IP: (1) registration, (2) enforcement, (3) documenting discoveries and (4) Using Digital Rights Management.
RB Company protects its Intellectual Property in the following ways. IP has been registered in various ways in many national governments official systems, and thus the ownership rights have been enforced.
Three mains ways RB Company Protects it’s IP
These three are the main ways to protect the Intellectual Property of RB Company. The copyright, trademark and patent all grant exclusive rights to the owner of the creation, especially to the commercial gains of the use.
Copyright ©
The copyrights are for the protection of tangible and intangible creative works. The copyright of the creation is owned immediately after the creation even without registration, but validation of ownership is easier with registration proof. The expiration of copyrights 70 years after the death of creator. Please see below form ore details.
Trademark TM and ®
The trademark is a protection for a brand, name, logo, shape or slogan that is used to sell products and services. These images and words are used by RB Company to for marketing strategy ad identity, so customers can easily distinguish our service. Therefore these are protected from commercial abusers, so that they will not copy or use the designs of RB Company for their own economic gain. There are no expiration for trademark as the company own the rights to the designs, but a filing has been made to confirm the active use of the IPs.
Patent ®
A unique product of RB Company, which has a document granting a right of privilege to the RB Company for the product, which provides the only right to use, make, or sell the invention. This patent is protected by filing for a patent to the appropriate governmental office. These patents have legal protection that forbids others from making or distributing the invention(s) of RB Company, except if it has given an explicit written permission to do so. The expiration of patents circa 15-20 years after filing it, but is renewable.
Three types of names protected
In addition protection of RB Company’s IP rights, are carried out through registration of the (1) Business name (RoundBuy and others), (2) Product name, (3) Domain name ( and others), which are associated to it. All RB Company’s names whether it is a business, a product or domain names has been registered and thus protected, and may not be used by others in any circumstances.
Business name
The business names include:
Roundbuy Forum Proxime Closebuy Circlebuy
Near and buy Nearbuy Lähikaupat Ympyräkaupat Ympyräosto etc.
National translations: rundkauf
rundköp roundcomparare rondacompra ympyräkaupat ympyräostot
Domain names
The name Roundbuy, RoundBuy, roundbuy, and similar are protected. In addition aroundbuy, circlebuy and similar names have been protected by the company. In addition the domain names in various national forms have been protected, such as for example:
Furthermore national translations of the original name (roundbuy) below and similar are protected:
rundkö rondacompra.sp ympyrä ympyrä etc.
Product name
The protected product names are same and similar to the Business names and the Domain names. However, it is noteworthy that the functions and functionalities, but also the way the platform, site, application or any its part functions is protected. The main product that is sold against membership is therefore the way the search engine functions to bring the search results to the user.
Furthermore, the three types of names protected, belonging to the RB Company are part of the business idea and brand. It is notable that the legal protection the RB Company, makes the Intellectual Property and the Business RB Company separate from the owner or owners person.
Trade secrets
There are other business related information and secrets that are protected and kept private in the RB Company. Therefore RB Company, in order to protect such essential company information, asks the developers, and other people working for the company, who has access or knowledge to the vulnerable information, or trade secrets, to sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure proper IP protection. We use a non-disclosure agreements (NDA) or similar (as PIA, CDA, or SA), and many additional clauses to specify the conditions as non-compete clauses (NCC).Violation of these rights will lead to prosecution.
Licence Agreements
Notably we may also grant licensing to third party partners in order to access our products for use, distribution and branding or similar. All licenced third party entities can be recognised from the licencing agreement made between it and RB Company contractually.
Additional IT Security Measures
RB Company has implemented security and protective measures to the online, internet and whole IT solutions of the company. These are done to prevent, hinder and stop fraud, hoax, hacking and similar data breaches. For example IT measures as virtual private network access (VPN), proper data encryption for the system, establishing Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2), and secure password protection whenever possible.
Exclusive Ownership to IP
RB Company’s Intellectual Property is not and has not joint ownership, where other owners could have rights to control the IP rights, such as copyrights, trademarks or patents. There are only one owning party controlling the IP rights. In the cases of structural changes of the company the original owning party shall retain the IP rights solely in its ownership.
Exclusive Owner of Rights of it’s Business Assets§
The Intellectual Property of RB Company may not be copied, used, sold, or distributed, or any kind of profit sought through it, or by it in any way without the written permission of the RB Company.
All profit, compensation made from the RB Company’s IP by any other party is forbidden, and infringement will be legally pursued and proper compensation for all damages sought.
Infringement Officers and lawyers
We have infringement officer, who monitors constantly the web and other places for the use and misuse of the designs or similar, the IP rights of the RB Company.
Infringement Lawyers
We will use our RB Company’s infringement lawyers, to sue any entity if the entity whether private or business, break the IP rights of the RB Company.
In cases of you Discover Infringement
Please inform RB Company by contacting us through any of our email address if you have discovered any misuse of RB Company’s IP rights, or if you suspect or have any doubts, or questions on the matter.
For Additional Information
Please contact the Administrator via Help Centre.
Please do not register, nor give your credit or debit cards details on the page. You are using VISITOR password and username. Furthermore do not provide any other personal details on the page also. You have all the functionalities on your use with this user ID. If entering payment page (when “paying memberships”), do not proceed any further, as you are asked payment details. Thank you.